https://www.3sun.com.tw/ 3Sun Company
JT350 & JT600-Intelligent bagging machine 智慧型套袋機 JT350 & JT600-Intelligent bagging machine 智慧型套袋機 https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1597023.html Features1. Single-interface control for the entire system     3Sun's PLC touch screen for easy and quick machine control機器特性    可透過單一介面進行整機控制    三陽使用PLC觸控屏進行整機控制,操作簡便,快速上手2. Dimentions adjustable     Adjustable and versatile, maximizing efficiency for your machine    產品尺寸可調    且可調範圍大,一機多用,讓你的機器給你高效投報3. Save on material costs     3Sun uses folded film, automatically sealed and cut by machine, eliminating the need for finished bags.      This reduces material costs by 30% with zero waste   節省材料成本    三陽使用對折卷膜,通過機械運轉自動封切,不需成品膠袋,降低30%材料成本,且無廢料4. Save on labor     100%servo Controlled box loading eliminates the need for manual intervention     節省人力     進盒部分100%伺服控制,無需專人操作 1597023
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Features1. Single-interface control for the entire system     3Sun's PLC touch screen for easy and quick machine control機器特性    可透過單一介面進行整機控制    三陽使用PLC觸控屏進行整機控制,操作簡便,快速上手2. Dimentions adjustable     Adjustable and versatile, maximizing efficiency for your machine    產品尺寸可調    且可調範圍大,一機多用,讓你的機器給你高效投報3. Save on material costs     3Sun uses folded film, automatically sealed and cut by machine, eliminating the need for finished bags.      This reduces material costs by 30% with zero waste   節省材料成本    三陽使用對折卷膜,通過機械運轉自動封切,不需成品膠袋,降低30%材料成本,且無廢料4. Save on labor     100%servo Controlled box loading eliminates the need for manual intervention     節省人力     進盒部分100%伺服控制,無需專人操作
JT350 & JT600-Intelligent bagging machine 智慧型套袋機
USD http://schema.org/InStock https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1597023.html 2024-07-19 0
JT350 & JT600-Intelligent bagging machine 智慧型套袋機
3S-CZ5545+JC5030LX-Horizontal servo heat sealing machine垂直伺服熱塑封機 3S-CZ5545+JC5030LX-Horizontal servo heat sealing machine垂直伺服熱塑封機 https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1597024.html You will need this machine1. Need for speed, e.g., food production2. Current machinery inadequate, necessitating replacement3. Seek high-performance equipment4. Ample budget available適用範圍1. 需高速包裝,例如食品業2. 原來的設備已達不到要求,需更換更高效機型3. 對設備性能有要求的使用者4. 有足夠預算Features1. Runs steadily & reliably     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly                 generate profits for you daily特性穩定&可靠三陽款可每天穩定運行16小時,讓機器快速幫你賺錢2. High pass rate       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty           高合格率       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度3. Minimal teperature deviation    3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures    恒溫控制上下偏差低      三陽熱塑封機上下偏差僅≤3度4. Sealing blade is also the key     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US     封刀也是關鍵      採用美國杜邦鐵弗龍塗層抗黏耐高溫鋁合金刀,確保封口不開裂、不焦化、不冒煙,零污染       5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease      Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors               薄與小的包裝物,一樣可輕易完成作業     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組6. Responsive detection     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors    靈敏可靠的檢測裝置     無料或故障時機器自動報警,確保生產效率7. Auto feeding     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination        自動送料      長度還能經由電眼和計時器的組合自動調節8. Auto-rewind waste material     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen    自動卷取廢料     配有感應馬達9. Energy-saving     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature    省電     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組10. Food-grade contact       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions     可直接接觸食品      傳送皮帶採用PU材質,一機多用 1597024
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You will need this machine1. Need for speed, e.g., food production2. Current machinery inadequate, necessitating replacement3. Seek high-performance equipment4. Ample budget available適用範圍1. 需高速包裝,例如食品業2. 原來的設備已達不到要求,需更換更高效機型3. 對設備性能有要求的使用者4. 有足夠預算Features1. Runs steadily & reliably     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly                 generate profits for you daily特性穩定&可靠三陽款可每天穩定運行16小時,讓機器快速幫你賺錢2. High pass rate       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty           高合格率       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度3. Minimal teperature deviation    3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures    恒溫控制上下偏差低      三陽熱塑封機上下偏差僅≤3度4. Sealing blade is also the key     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US     封刀也是關鍵      採用美國杜邦鐵弗龍塗層抗黏耐高溫鋁合金刀,確保封口不開裂、不焦化、不冒煙,零污染       5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease      Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors               薄與小的包裝物,一樣可輕易完成作業     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組6. Responsive detection     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors    靈敏可靠的檢測裝置     無料或故障時機器自動報警,確保生產效率7. Auto feeding     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination        自動送料      長度還能經由電眼和計時器的組合自動調節8. Auto-rewind waste material     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen    自動卷取廢料     配有感應馬達9. Energy-saving     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature    省電     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組10. Food-grade contact       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions     可直接接觸食品      傳送皮帶採用PU材質,一機多用
3S-CZ5545+JC5030LX-Horizontal servo heat sealing machine垂直伺服熱塑封機
USD http://schema.org/InStock https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1597024.html 2024-07-19 0
3S-CZ5545+JC5030LX-Horizontal servo heat sealing machine垂直伺服熱塑封機
3S-5545Q+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type Heat sealing machine 3S-5545Q+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type Heat sealing machine https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1597031.html You will need this machine1. Just set up production line2. Considering budget constraints, seeking a cost-effictive適用範圍1. 剛建置工廠2. 有預算考量,希望找高性價比的熱塑封機Features1. Runs steadily & reliably     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly generate profits for you daily特性穩定&可靠三陽款可每天穩定運行16小時,讓機器快速幫你賺錢2. High pass rate       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty           高合格率       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度3. Minimal teperature deviation    3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures    恒溫控制上下偏差低      三陽熱塑封機上下偏差僅≤3度4. Sealing blade is also the key     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US     封刀也是關鍵      採用美國杜邦鐵弗龍塗層抗黏耐高溫鋁合金刀,確保封口不開裂、不焦化、不冒煙,零污染       5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease     Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors              薄與小的包裝物,一樣可輕易完成作業     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組6. Responsive detection     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors    靈敏可靠的檢測裝置     無料或故障時機器自動報警,確保生產效率7. Auto feeding     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination       自動送料      長度還能經由電眼和計時器的組合自動調節8. Auto-rewind waste material     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen    自動卷取廢料     配有感應馬達9. Energy-saving     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature    省電     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組10. Food-grade contact       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions     可直接接觸食品      傳送皮帶採用PU材質,一機多用 1597031
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You will need this machine1. Just set up production line2. Considering budget constraints, seeking a cost-effictive適用範圍1. 剛建置工廠2. 有預算考量,希望找高性價比的熱塑封機Features1. Runs steadily & reliably     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly generate profits for you daily特性穩定&可靠三陽款可每天穩定運行16小時,讓機器快速幫你賺錢2. High pass rate       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty           高合格率       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度3. Minimal teperature deviation    3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures    恒溫控制上下偏差低      三陽熱塑封機上下偏差僅≤3度4. Sealing blade is also the key     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US     封刀也是關鍵      採用美國杜邦鐵弗龍塗層抗黏耐高溫鋁合金刀,確保封口不開裂、不焦化、不冒煙,零污染       5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease     Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors              薄與小的包裝物,一樣可輕易完成作業     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組6. Responsive detection     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors    靈敏可靠的檢測裝置     無料或故障時機器自動報警,確保生產效率7. Auto feeding     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination       自動送料      長度還能經由電眼和計時器的組合自動調節8. Auto-rewind waste material     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen    自動卷取廢料     配有感應馬達9. Energy-saving     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature    省電     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組10. Food-grade contact       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions     可直接接觸食品      傳送皮帶採用PU材質,一機多用
3S-5545Q+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type Heat sealing machine
USD http://schema.org/InStock https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1597031.html 2024-07-19 0
3S-5545Q+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type Heat sealing machine
3S-5575Q+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type Heat sealing machine 3S-5575Q+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type Heat sealing machine https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1597032.html You will need this machine1. Just set up production line2. Packaging for higher products3. Considering budget constraints, seeking a cost-effictive machineFeatures1. Runs steadily & reliably     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly generate profits for you daily特性穩定&可靠三陽款可每天穩定運行16小時,讓機器快速幫你賺錢2. High pass rate       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty           高合格率       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度3. Minimal teperature deviation    3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures    恒溫控制上下偏差低      三陽熱塑封機上下偏差僅≤3度4. Sealing blade is also the key     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US     封刀也是關鍵      採用美國杜邦鐵弗龍塗層抗黏耐高溫鋁合金刀,確保封口不開裂、不焦化、不冒煙,零污染       5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease     Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors              薄與小的包裝物,一樣可輕易完成作業     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組6. Responsive detection     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors    靈敏可靠的檢測裝置     無料或故障時機器自動報警,確保生產效率7. Auto feeding     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination       自動送料      長度還能經由電眼和計時器的組合自動調節8. Auto-rewind waste material     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen    自動卷取廢料     配有感應馬達9. Energy-saving     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature    省電     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組10. Food-grade contact       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions     可直接接觸食品      傳送皮帶採用PU材質,一機多用 1597032
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You will need this machine1. Just set up production line2. Packaging for higher products3. Considering budget constraints, seeking a cost-effictive machineFeatures1. Runs steadily & reliably     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly generate profits for you daily特性穩定&可靠三陽款可每天穩定運行16小時,讓機器快速幫你賺錢2. High pass rate       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty           高合格率       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度3. Minimal teperature deviation    3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures    恒溫控制上下偏差低      三陽熱塑封機上下偏差僅≤3度4. Sealing blade is also the key     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US     封刀也是關鍵      採用美國杜邦鐵弗龍塗層抗黏耐高溫鋁合金刀,確保封口不開裂、不焦化、不冒煙,零污染       5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease     Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors              薄與小的包裝物,一樣可輕易完成作業     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組6. Responsive detection     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors    靈敏可靠的檢測裝置     無料或故障時機器自動報警,確保生產效率7. Auto feeding     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination       自動送料      長度還能經由電眼和計時器的組合自動調節8. Auto-rewind waste material     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen    自動卷取廢料     配有感應馬達9. Energy-saving     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature    省電     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組10. Food-grade contact       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions     可直接接觸食品      傳送皮帶採用PU材質,一機多用
3S-5575Q+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type Heat sealing machine
USD http://schema.org/InStock https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1597032.html 2024-07-19 0
3S-5575Q+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type Heat sealing machine
3S-CZ6080T+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type vertical sealing machine 3S-CZ6080T+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type vertical sealing machine https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1597033.html You will need this machine1. Just set up production line2. Packaging for even higher products3. Considering budget constraints, seeking a cost-effictive machine適用範圍1. 剛建置工廠2. 有包裝更高產品的需求3. 有預算考量,希望找高性價比的熱塑封機Features1. Runs steadily & reliably     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly generate profits for you daily特性穩定&可靠三陽款可每天穩定運行16小時,讓機器快速幫你賺錢2. High pass rate       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty           高合格率       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度3. Minimal teperature deviation    3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures    恒溫控制上下偏差低      三陽熱塑封機上下偏差僅≤3度4. Sealing blade is also the key     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US     封刀也是關鍵      採用美國杜邦鐵弗龍塗層抗黏耐高溫鋁合金刀,確保封口不開裂、不焦化、不冒煙,零污染       5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease     Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors              薄與小的包裝物,一樣可輕易完成作業     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組6. Responsive detection     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors    靈敏可靠的檢測裝置     無料或故障時機器自動報警,確保生產效率7. Auto feeding     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination       自動送料      長度還能經由電眼和計時器的組合自動調節8. Auto-rewind waste material     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen    自動卷取廢料     配有感應馬達9. Energy-saving     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature    省電     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組10. Food-grade contact       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions     可直接接觸食品      傳送皮帶採用PU材質,一機多用 1597033
5 1
You will need this machine1. Just set up production line2. Packaging for even higher products3. Considering budget constraints, seeking a cost-effictive machine適用範圍1. 剛建置工廠2. 有包裝更高產品的需求3. 有預算考量,希望找高性價比的熱塑封機Features1. Runs steadily & reliably     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly generate profits for you daily特性穩定&可靠三陽款可每天穩定運行16小時,讓機器快速幫你賺錢2. High pass rate       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty           高合格率       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度3. Minimal teperature deviation    3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures    恒溫控制上下偏差低      三陽熱塑封機上下偏差僅≤3度4. Sealing blade is also the key     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US     封刀也是關鍵      採用美國杜邦鐵弗龍塗層抗黏耐高溫鋁合金刀,確保封口不開裂、不焦化、不冒煙,零污染       5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease     Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors              薄與小的包裝物,一樣可輕易完成作業     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組6. Responsive detection     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors    靈敏可靠的檢測裝置     無料或故障時機器自動報警,確保生產效率7. Auto feeding     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination       自動送料      長度還能經由電眼和計時器的組合自動調節8. Auto-rewind waste material     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen    自動卷取廢料     配有感應馬達9. Energy-saving     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature    省電     便於切換選擇,配有檢測光電,水平、垂直檢測各一組10. Food-grade contact       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions     可直接接觸食品      傳送皮帶採用PU材質,一機多用
3S-CZ6080T+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type vertical sealing machine
USD http://schema.org/InStock https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1597033.html 2024-07-19 0
3S-CZ6080T+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type vertical sealing machine
3S001-Punching and Fitting Machine for solid file folders 3S001-Punching and Fitting Machine for solid file folders https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1606796.html You will need this machineFor simultaneously setting of 2 rado eyelets on file cover at a fixed spacing適用範圍適用於文件夾。機器設計來同時鉚合雙粒長型機眼,先沖孔後鉚合Features1. Made in Taiwan, stable and high performance 2. Customized distance is available on request特性1. 台灣製造,穩定高效2. 可依需求客製規格 1606796
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You will need this machineFor simultaneously setting of 2 rado eyelets on file cover at a fixed spacing適用範圍適用於文件夾。機器設計來同時鉚合雙粒長型機眼,先沖孔後鉚合Features1. Made in Taiwan, stable and high performance 2. Customized distance is available on request特性1. 台灣製造,穩定高效2. 可依需求客製規格
3S001-Punching and Fitting Machine for solid file folders
USD http://schema.org/InStock https://www.3sun.com.tw/product_1606796.html 2024-07-19 0
3S001-Punching and Fitting Machine for solid file folders

3S001-Punching and Fitting Machine for solid file folders

You will need this
For simultaneously setting of 2 rado eyelets on file cover at a fixed spacing


1. Made in Taiwan, stable and high performance
2. Customized distance is available on request

1. 台灣製造,穩定高效
2. 可依需求客製規格


JT350 & JT600-Intelligent bagging machine 智慧型套袋機

1. Single-interface control for the entire system
     3Sun's PLC touch screen for easy and quick machine control


2. Dimentions adjustable
     Adjustable and versatile, maximizing efficiency for your machine


3. Save on material costs
     3Sun uses folded film, automatically sealed and cut by machine, eliminating the need for finished bags.
     This reduces material costs by 30% with zero waste


4. Save on labor
     100%servo Controlled box loading eliminates the need for manual intervention



3S-CZ5545+JC5030LX-Horizontal servo heat sealing machine垂直伺服熱塑封機

You will need this
1. Need for speed, e.g., food production
2. Current machinery inadequate, necessitating replacement
3. Seek high-performance equipment
4. Ample budget available

1. 需高速包裝,例如食品業
2. 原來的設備已達不到要求,需更換更高效機型
3. 對設備性能有要求的使用者
4. 有足夠預算

1. Runs steadily & reliably
     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly                 generate profits for you daily


2. High pass rate

       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty

       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度

3. Minimal teperature deviation
3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures


4. Sealing blade is also the key
     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US


5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease
     Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors


6. Responsive detection
     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors


7. Auto feeding
     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination


8. Auto-rewind waste material
     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen


9. Energy-saving
     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature


10. Food-grade contact
       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions



3S-5545Q+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type Heat sealing machine

You will need this machine

1. Just set up production line
2. Considering budget constraints, seeking a cost-effictive

1. 剛建置工廠
2. 有預算考量,希望找高性價比的熱塑封機

1. Runs steadily & reliably
     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly generate profits for you daily


2. High pass rate

       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty

       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度

3. Minimal teperature deviation
3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures


4. Sealing blade is also the key
     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US


5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease
     Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors


6. Responsive detection
     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors


7. Auto feeding
     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination


8. Auto-rewind waste material
     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen


9. Energy-saving
     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature


10. Food-grade contact
       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions



3S-5575Q+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type Heat sealing machine

You will need this machine

1. Just set up production line
2. Packaging for higher products
3. Considering budget constraints, seeking a cost-effictive machine

1. Runs steadily & reliably
     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly generate profits for you daily


2. High pass rate

       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty

       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度

3. Minimal teperature deviation
3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures


4. Sealing blade is also the key
     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US


5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease
     Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors


6. Responsive detection
     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors


7. Auto feeding
     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination


8. Auto-rewind waste material
     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen


9. Energy-saving
     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature


10. Food-grade contact
       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions



3S-CZ6080T+3S-5030LX-Pneumatic L type vertical sealing machine

You will need this machine
1. Just set up production line
2. Packaging for even higher products
3. Considering budget constraints, seeking a cost-effictive machine

1. 剛建置工廠
2. 有包裝更高產品的需求
3. 有預算考量,希望找高性價比的熱塑封機

1. Runs steadily & reliably
     3Sun's model can reliably operate for 16 hours daily, enabling the machine to quickly generate profits for you daily


2. High pass rate

       ≥98% satisfy your customers with superior quality, enhancing customer loyalty

       ≥98% 的合格率讓客戶滿意你的品質,提高客戶忠誠度

3. Minimal teperature deviation
3Sun heat sealing machine ensures ≤3 degrees difference between upper & lowe temperatures


4. Sealing blade is also the key
     Ensuring no cracking, charring, or smoke emission for zero pollution. Adopting DuPont Teflon-coated, high-temerature-risistant aluminum alloy blades from the US


5. Switch between thin and small packages with ease
     Features horizontal and vertical detection with photoelectric sensors


6. Responsive detection
     Automatic alarms for malfunctions or errors


7. Auto feeding
     Length adjusts automatically with photocell and timer combination


8. Auto-rewind waste material
     Equipped with an induction motor to make it happen


9. Energy-saving
     Double-layer insulation and high-temperature curtains boost energy efficiency by maintaining internal temperature


10. Food-grade contact
       The conveyor belts is made of PU material, versatile functions

